In compliance with the legal provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and its Regulations, as well as in the Privacy Notice Guidelines, this PRIVACY NOTICE is prepared and disclosed, which is intended to inform the type of personal data that “MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S. C.” collects from you. We are located at Avenida Gabriel Mancera 1041, Colonia Del Valle, Zip Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City, as well as the purpose, use, handling, use, and protection given to such information.
What personal data do we collect from you?
If you are a client of any of our services, we may request information depending on the service to be provided. Information may vary regarding the following:

  • Name(s) and Surname(s);
  • In the case of Legal Entities, the following information will be requested: Name or Corporate Name, Purpose of the corporation, Corporation’s duration, Date of incorporation, as well as the Name(s) and Surname(s) of the Legal Agent(s), number and date of the instrument granting the certificate of incorporation, and number of the Articles of Incorporation;
  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) and/or Unique Code of Population Registration (CURP);
  • Age;
  • Profession;
  • Sex;
  • Occupation;
  • Nationality;
  • Place and date of birth;
  • Current address including street, number, neighborhood, district or municipality, city, state, country, and zip code;
  • E-mail;
  • Landline, office, and cell phone numbers;
  • Passport number and passport’s validity;
  • Visas held, as well as the number(s) thereof;
  • Marital status, and in case of being married, date of marriage may be requested;
  • Bank account number and name of the institution.
  • In addition to the aforementioned information, if you are a candidate going through personnel selection and recruitment hiring processes, the following information will also be requested:
  • Name, address, and telephone number of the persons designated by you as personal references;
  • Type of INFONAVIT or INFONACOT loans, or any other loan you may have;
  • Account number of the Retirement Fund Administrator (AFORE);
  • Whether you live alone, with your parents, or with any other relative;
  • Affiliation number within the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS);
  • Name and occupation of the last jobs held, address, telephone number, name and position of immediate boss or supervisor, initial and final salary, job description, as well as reasons for ending the work relationship;
  • Name of the centers of study of your academic training, date of beginning and end of studies, degree, and general score average obtained;
  • If you have one, professional license number;
  • Level of proficiency in writing, reading, and conversation in languages other than Spanish;
  • Knowledge of computer equipment, programs, and software such as Office;
  • Name of the professional, cultural, or social associations to which you are part of;
  • Names and surnames, occupation, company, and telephone number of both work and personal references;
  • Name of father, mother, sibling(s), spouse and children, age, occupation, and place of work;
  • Names and surnames, relationship, date of birth of the persons you designate as beneficiaries in the insurance or benefits provided;
  • Sports and hobbies you engage in,
  • Professional and/or work experience that is relevant to the job for which you are applying;
  • Major personal, professional, academic, and athletic achievements of your consideration;
  • Whether you have any relatives working in “MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” If so, name and surname, as well as the position or position of the same will be requested;
  • Scholarships, appointments, awards, prizes, honors, distinctions, or recognitions obtained during your school and academic training.

As a visitor to our facilities under any modality, the following information will be requested:

  • Visitor’s full name;
  • Origin;
  • Time of entry to the facilities and time of departure.

“MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” will collect from you sensitive personal data in case you are a candidate in the process of selection and recruitment of personnel and/or upon being hired, as well as while providing your services to ‘MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.’, by prior express consent from you, data that will be treated with special protection and that includes:

Union membership.

How is the collection of sensitive personal data carried out?
In case “MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” requires sensitive information, we will request the consent of the owner of the personal data to collect and use such information.
We are committed to treat data under the strictest security measures, always guaranteeing your confidentiality.
Where do we collect the data from?
We may collect your personal data in different ways: when you voluntarily provide it to us to offer you information and/or services, and during the recruitment and selection process when you are a candidate for employment with us; when you visit our website or use our online services, and by any other source of information permitted by law.
For what purposes do we use your personal data?
“MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” collects and uses your personal data for the following purposes:
In the case of our clients, for:

  • To provide the services requested by you;
  • To address the requests in which you show interest about our services;
  • Provide you with accounting, tax, legal, and any other advisory related to the provision of our services that you request;
  • Keep you updated regarding our current services, their changes, and updates;
  • Assess the quality of our services;
  • Conduct internal studies about our services;
  • Verify the information you provide to us;
  • Fulfill obligations to you;
  • Billing and collecting payment for our services;
  • Register you in our database systems in order to provide you with a better service;
  • Collect the orders of the service and/or product you request from us;
  • To deliver the products you require;
  • To make the invoicing for the sale of our services and/or products;
  • Receive payment for the services or products requested;
  • Register you in our database systems in order to provide you with a better service;
  • Collect the orders of the service and/or product you request from us;
  • To make the invoicing for the sale of our services;
  • Receive payment for the services requested;

With candidates during the process of selection and recruitment of personnel or at the time of being hired:

  • Include our personnel selection and recruitment processes;
  • Integrate your process in case you are hired;
  • Include you in our database of electronic records for future positions;
  • Know your profile, capabilities, and skills as a candidate;
  • Be included in our personnel selection and recruitment processes;
  • Place you in the job position appropriate to your profile as a candidate;
  • Place you within the activities appropriate to your interests, capabilities, and aptitudes;
  • Comply with legal, labor or employer obligations, such as registering you with IMSS, INFONAVIT or INFONACOT;
  • Establish the safety and hygiene measures appropriate to the job position;
  • Establish the medical care and first aid measures that you could receive during the provision of your services;
  • To know the beneficiaries of the life insurance or the other benefits that “MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” grants to its employees.
  • As a visitor in our facilities under any modality, your personal data is collected for:

Keeping a control of entrances and exits to our facilities for the safety of the visitor and those who are in the facilities.

Data Transfer

“MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” does not transfer your personal data to third parties without your consent, so any transfer made without your consent, will be only and exclusively in the cases and assumptions established by Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
“MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” is responsible for the processing of your personal data, for which it has appointed a person in charge of personal data that will assist in compliance and will enforce within Moore Orozco Medina, S.C. the protection and proper treatment of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, as well as the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice, so we provide you with the following contact information:
Responsible: Lorena Valdés Valdés.
Office Address: Avenida Gabriel Mancera 1041, Colonia Del Valle, Zip Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone number: +52 (55) 3687 2700
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal data?

You can limit the processing of your personal data for those purposes that are not necessary, or ask questions or make comments regarding the use of your personal data through the following means and procedure that we have implemented:

By submitting your request in writing directly to the address of our office located at Avenida Gabriel Mancera 1041, Colonia Del Valle, Zip Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City, addressed to the person in charge of the privacy of your personal data in this office: Lorena Valdés Valdés.
By sending an e-mail to [email protected], addressed to the person in charge of the privacy of your personal data in this office: Lorena Valdés Valdés.

Immediately after your request has been received, Moore Orozco Medina, S.C. will refrain from processing your personal data, or given the case, we will cease the processing of your data and/or they will be deleted from our database.

The above in the understanding that such limitation may not be exercised with respect to the exceptions set forth in Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

How to access, rectify, cancel, or oppose the processing of your personal information (ARCO Rights)?
It is our obligation to provide reasonable access to data subjects who wish to review the personal information we hold about you, as well as to know how we are processing it, cancelling it, rectifying it, or objecting to its processing by us. In all cases, we will treat requests for access or change of information in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

You may request access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition of your personal data through the means and procedures that we have implemented for you.

Immediately after your request has been received, “MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C.” will give immediate attention to your request in accordance with what you, as the owner of the personal data, request.

The foregoing in the understanding that such limitation may not be exercised with respect to the exceptions set forth in Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.

How can you exercise your Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition of your personal data (ARCO RIGHTS)?
In accordance with article 28 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, at any time you may request MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C. the access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition to the processing of your personal data.

To do so, you must submit your request in writing to our address located at Avenida Gabriel Mancera 1041, Colonia Del Valle, Zip Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City, addressed to the person in charge of personal data in this office: Lorena Valdés Valdés, also complying with the following requirements:

State your name, address, or how you wish to be notified of the response to your request; Attach the documents proving your identity,
Clearly describe the personal data on which you wish to exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition; Include any other element or document that enables the location of your personal data.

Within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) days from the date on which your request was received, we will respond to it; also, if appropriate, we will comply with the request within a period not exceeding 15 (fifteen) days following the date on which the response was notified or communicated, in accordance with Article 31 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

If justified by the circumstances of the case, the terms indicated may be extended only once for an equal period.

How will the modification of the privacy notice be carried out?

Moore Orozco Medina, S.C. reserves the right to modify or add to these privacy policies at any time and for any reason established or permitted by the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, its Regulations, and by the Privacy Notice Guidelines, or by modification or update of our services and any other circumstance; also, the modifications to this Privacy Notice will be available for consultation and information in:

Our Web Site:
Visible places at our facilities located at Avenida Gabriel Mancera 1041, Colonia Del Valle, Zip Code 03100, in Mexico, Mexico City.

Before whom can you file your complaints and denunciations in case of improper use of your Personal Data?

In case you consider that your Right to Protection of your personal data has been violated or injured by MOORE OROZCO MEDINA, S.C. or by any of its members and collaborators, in accordance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, you may file the corresponding complaint or denunciation before the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Data Protection (Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso de Información y Protección de Datos). For more information visit the site

Last updated 29/may/2024

Our Location

Gabriel Mancera 1041, Col. Del Valle Centro, Alcaldía Benito Juárez,
C.P. 03100, México, Ciudad de México.
Tel: 55 3687 2700
E-mail: [email protected]

Moore Orozco Medina, S.C. is a privately owned and independent firm, member of the Moore North America (MNA) and MOORE Global associated firm network. Neither MNA nor MOORE Global deliver services directly to clients. Moore Orozco Medina, is an independent and separate legal entity, subject to the professional laws and regulations of the region in which it operates and is not authorized to commit in any form MNA or MOORE Global or any other MNA or MOORE Global member firms.

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